I know that it's quite common to have vivid dreams when pregnant but I didn't know they would be quite like this...
I woke up in the night after having a very real and convincing dream in which I was ....erm... having 'intimate' relations with a very old friend whom I haven't actually seen in about 10 years. He was quite good looking then and is still pretty hot now - even though he is 40 (huh, like I'm some spring chicken).
All very bizarre as even in the dream I was pregnant but didn't appear to have a Husb and friend didn't mind at all that I was 'with child'. In fact I think he kinda liked it. It was so real it scares me. I woke up in quite a fluster - I had clearly enjoyed the experience, but then I got 'The Fear' about Husb rumbling my infidelity! It took a couple of seconds to remember that I hadn't actually done anything, it was all my sub-conscious. Ooops. I'm still trying to decide whether up to fess-up to my friend (we still chat on Facebook). He'd probably find it funny but I'd be mortified if he didn't.
The ramblings and random thoughts of someone who never thought she would get married, let alone at an age when her friends were on 'second time around' or sending their children off to school and university.
About Me

- Shortlass
- A first time mum at 39, trying not to let my son kill me off too soon. Busy juggling a new family, a new house and a tricky recording schedule I figured blogging would be less expensive than therapy and less embarrassing than shouting at rude and stupid people in the street/on trains/at the supermarket.
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